We are Everywhere
I am thinking of doing a contest for the page, but I cant figure out what would be universal for all artist in general. I was thinking some digital stuff, like extra hdd space or maybe certain programs, but nothing has really hit me where people will add their own art, because they want to win the prize!!! So any ideas of what you would want to win if you entered your art(music, drawing, animation, writings, poems you know any art in general??)
Please any ideas don't hesitate to post!!
    This morning I was reading an article about the 10 most craziest girlfriends and like 8 of them had too do with a guy playing video games. I mean don't get me wrong, I do not think that a man should play a game for like 38 hours and the only time he talks to his girlfriend within that time is to ask for a sanmich or bevvie to moist your poor lil dry mouth. Though I also have to say to the girlfriend that their is a lot more too it than just "ignoring" you to play video games, because that's usually not what is happening. 
    Now let me put this into perspective for the females out there to see a little bit more in sight to how the relationship really works with gamers. Before you and that guy had gotten together he lived his life in anyway he wanted to, he would play any game at any time(KEY SUBJECT), he would eat what he wanted when he had the chance and he would talk to any female that he found attractive and wanted to talk to. Now this guy noticed you and went up and talked to you, and you being the girl that very much liked his dorky charm and whatever it is that make girls fall in love with guys (or the complete opposite ). You guys start dating and spending a lot of time together. Now whenever you aren't together in this stage of the relationship, the guy is probably at home playing Call of Duty or League of Legends talking to all his dorky friends about how freakin awesome you are and that's probably 65 percent of his time at this stage in the relationship. 
    Now the girl is really digging on the male and visa versa, so they decide to move in with each other and spend the rest of their days together. So the guy spends all day, about 95 percent,  with the girl and at the end of the day he comes home and turns on his video game console and plays Call of Duty with his friends, and lets say he does it for five hours straight, then he gets up and crashes. But this is where the problem usually starts for the female, first off you just ignored her for five hours, second off now the game has become more important to the male than the female(in the females eyes), thirdly you are now enjoying things without her (Sidenote to guys reading: Yes even if you have asked repeatedly for her to join in on the second controller and play). This is where girl gets angry and forgets a lot of things about video games in general. 
    Now this was normal life to the male until he married to the female see, he could hang with his girlfriend and his male friends as long as he wanted to. In fact there were probably times when they were just dating each other that the girl set at the guys house and watched him play games with his friends for hours on end to just be around the guy. So To the guy what has happened is that he basically traded his time of a passionate hobby to spend it with a girl, and then the girl has said that there is no more time for this hobby in our relationship. The guy doesn't want to give up his hobby and rightfully shouldn't have too, girl gets mad and in this article I was reading, erased some doods championship starcraft account, burned the tv and xbox combo and well a slew of other shitty shit that shouldn't of been destroyed over one persons hobby.
    One of mans first loves from my generation and on is actually video games, Most women know that going into the relationship. Everyone loves to win, too be the alpha and to feel that feels when you accomplish something that seemed impossible! Now when your a male kid, before boys even knew the love of a good woman was possible, Video games gave us all this and only got better through out the years. Growing up you and your buddies play and vs. each other everyday and even turned mundane daily life choirs into competitive games. So things like this became accustom to a males life, and the technology only got better with connecting one another, which grew to be a big part of our lives as well. Plus Video Games keep a lot of people connected through internet and lets people play with other people even if they live states or countries away, for me personally this is how I stay connected to a lot of people! 
     From the female perspective I don't think they realize that living room gaming has replaced things like the pool hall or a lot of times even the bar, I mean would you rather have your boyfriend at home gamin with his buddies or at the bar with his buddies anyways? From the males perspective on the females thoughts about the subject aren't usually what is thought. Examples being when a girl thinks you just ignored her for five hours, the guy is thinking why she really isn't wanting to hang with you (Remember the girl has set with the guy gaming when in the dating stage) or If a females thinking the gaming is more important then her a guy is usually thinking he is just gonna get a little gaming in, because the female is the most important thing in his life, that was stated when they moved in together. 
    ugh I kinda forgot where I was going with this now so I am just going to pull out the wrap it up box......
My girl and I found this out today while sipping our morning coffee....
first turn up the volume
second click this link.... http://www.rainymood.com/
third click this link.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNETiPSqk6E
fourth just set back and enjoy
fifth forget the rain is coming from a website window and do a bunch of stuff while listening to the storm!!!

Song belongs to The Narrative-Eyes closed....... Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/user/thenarrativemusic/videos
Idea Belongs to this person who commented on youtube... thank you!!....http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUfHKbIQDOjiasvkMCQ9rPg
We all keep running that wheel
slowly hoping for change
but we all know the real isn't real
still we hope and pray

For if we could stand on mountain tops
we wouldn't be lost in our minds
we would be stirring up the action
instead of standing on the sidelines

Our hearts seem to be broken
everyone seems so fake
but is a sentimental token
of more than we can take

No one is outstanding
because everyone is so great
but we are all just wasting
away on our smoke break

if we could stand on mountain tops
we wouldn't be lost in our minds
we would be stirring up the action
instead of standing on the sidelines
Yesterday we finally got the game Xaminers on the team and they posted their contest giveaways. If you like video games head on over to http://gamexaminer.wordpress.com/ hit that subscribe button and get entered into a chance to win WatchDogs or GTA5. Either way you are going to love the Reviews, FAQS, and Game content that they post up on the site. Also head over to the Suburban Legends page and(http://suburblegends.weebly.com/the-scarecrow.html) check out our newest campfire story called "The Scarecrow" and please leave feed back on what could make future stories better or like always if you have some of your own send them to [email protected], If you need a director or proof reader, We have one for the team and we want to give a shout out to Destiney Baxter for helping us out of kindness. Anyhoots im rabbling now, but remember we are always looking for new material, so please send us anything! 

-Stay Creative
Today we have added a new video and tits McGee and daughter ov Jerusalem have joined the team. Get ready for things to start popping up, like new art, music and hopefully admins. I have three stories in the works, being finished and des with direct and proofread and those will be up by Friday hopefully! Also remember if you have a creepy pasta, send it to us and we will post it! Anyhoots I am starting to rabble, here is a song for you to jam while you scroll through life!

This is the new single from the paper kites called st. clarity.... if you like subscribe to their youtube channel and go buy those eps!!
Ok friends, soon we are going to be posting up daily memes, weekly comics and hopefully we can have some user content added!! We are going to be having the DAILY HAPPY MEME GIRL that goes by ~Tits McGee added to the team within the next few days.  Also we are going to be adding the inspirational daily post lady that goes by the name of Daughter of Jerusalem to send out some morning insightful posts within the next week! So keep on the look out for new awesome admin posts.